Set up your Client Toolkit
It's likely that as an HR Consultant, you have a specialty niche. For example, you may specialize in small business high tech or insurance clients. Regardless of specialization, the truth is that over 85% of the HR you create for one client, is the same for another.
It's also true that as much as you tell yourself you'll remember the latest and greatest changes you made to the templates from your last client, chances are you won't, and you end up with a bunch of unorganized templates without version control. You also need a central repository to add templates or make revisions/improvements when you're inspired by an HR news article or legislation change.
Get Organized
Don't know where to start? Do it right the first time before you create that very first folder.
Start with The HR Toolkit's Master Toolkit Portal that makes it easy to organize and manage that re-usable 'same-same' so you don't have to hunt for files and latest versions of work.
Get organized with your own customized master 'plug-&-play' toolkit that you'll maintain and re-use over and over for each new client. Invest the time now that will pay off significantly in the long run.
What you Get
A zip file that includes.
A set of folders and sub-folders to:- Create:
Initially create your own set of re-usable master templates that you'll download from our the HR Toolkit Resource Center. Customize and edit them and insert your own logo and branding This will become your Master Toolkit that will be used and re-used for future clients. - Maintain:
When you work with a client and add a new template or make an improvement to a specific document, save a copy in your Master Toolkit folder. Maintain your master HR documents and changes in one place and re-use them for future clients.
- Create:
A set of folders and sub-folders to instantly create your client's HR folders and sub-folders that you'll copy to your client's server. This will become their filing system to organize their master templates (a master contract agreement template) and transactional HR ( a contract agreement created for Jane Doe).
Just add clients and re-use!