COVID-19 Updates | Daily Workplace Round Up for May 13, 2020

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Below are the key announcements from the Federal, Ontario, Alberta, and B.C. governments that touch on workplace issues for May 13, 2020. 


$962 Million Invested in Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

The new Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) devotes nearly $962 million to help more small businesses and organizations in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, tourism and others that are key to the regions and to local economies.

The funding will help to:

  • mitigate the financial pressure experienced by businesses and organizations to allow them to continue their operations, including paying their employees;
  • support projects by businesses, organizations and communities to prepare now for a successful recovery.

The funding will be allocated as follows:

The RRRF is now accepting applications from businesses and communities.

For more information, check out this news release.


Ontario Drug Benefit Program makes Prescription Drugs more Affordable

Effective today, people using the Ontario Drug Benefit Program will not be required to pay any co-payment until July 1, 2020 for any prescription of 30+ days that is now being dispensed in installments.

In addition, existing and new Trillium Drug Program households can apply for an income reassessment to help reduce the financial burden for families during the outbreak.

For more information, check out this news release

Voluntary Redeployment of Education Sector Workers

The Ontario government is working together with the province's education sector to voluntarily place available employees in staffing roles needed at congregate care settings during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Starting later this week, subject to a local agreement of the framework, eligible education sector staff who volunteer will be able to register through an online portal and to be matched with congregate settings that are facing staffing shortages.

Positions available may include custodial, maintenance, food preparation, children and youth service workers, social workers, and educational assistants. Training and appropriate safety equipment will be provided to redeployed staff. Volunteers who are redeployed will be eligible for Ontario's temporary pandemic premium and emergency child care.

For more information, check out this news release and backgrounder


Alberta Ready for Relaunch on May 14

Stage 1 of Alberta's relaunch strategy will begin tomorrow. With increased infection prevention and control measures to minimize the risk of increased transmission of infections, some businesses and facilities can start to resume operations on May 14 in all areas except the cities of Calgary and Brooks:

  • Retail businesses, such as clothing, furniture and bookstores. All vendors at farmers markets will also be able to operate.
  • Museums and art galleries.
  • Daycares and out-of-school care with limits on occupancy.
  • Hairstyling and barbershops.
  • Cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars will be permitted to reopen for table service only at 50 per cent capacity.
  • Day camps, including summer school, will be permitted with limits on occupancy.
  • Post-secondary institutions will continue to deliver courses; however, there will be more flexibility to include in-person delivery once the existing health order prohibiting in-person classes is lifted.
  • Places of worship and funeral services, if they follow specific guidance already online.
  • The resumption of some scheduled, non-urgent surgeries will continue gradually.
  • Regulated health professions are permitted to offer services as long as they continue to follow approved guidelines set by their professional colleges.

In Calgary and Brooks, the relaunch will be gradual over 18 days due to higher COVID-19 case numbers in these communities.

For more information, including what is still not permitted in stage 1, check out this news release

British Columbia

State of Emergency Extended until May 26

As B.C. moves toward its new normal, Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, is extending the provincial state of emergency to support continued co-ordination of the pandemic response.   

The provinces current state of emergency is being extended through the end of the day on May 26, 2020.

The extension of the provincial state of emergency is based on recommendations from B.C.'s health and emergency management officials. 

For more information, check out this news release

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Sarah Visca
Sarah Visca is the Operations Manager at ConnectsUs HR, a company that provides tools & resources to quickly set up a Human Resources department.  
You can contact her here