templates for performance improvement plan
Get the family of templates you need to implement a performance improvement plan

Template and guide for performance improvement plan free download

If you need a tool to create an individualized, action-orientated, step-by-step process to improve an employee's performance who not meeting expectations, the Performance Improvement Plan template and Performance Improvement Plan Guide for Managers will be a tremendous help,  

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performance improvement plan templates

Preview Performance Improvement Templates 

The HR Toolkit provides the following family of templates that work together to create an end-to-end process to implement a performance improvement plan for an employee. 

Click the links below to preview the templates. 
All templates are provided in Microsoft Word, professionally styled and fully editable. 

Performance Improvement Plan Form Template

The Performance Improvement Plan Form Template  provides the framework to document the PIP process and includes a section and placeholders for documenting both the initial and follow-up meetings with the employee. 

The Accompanying Instructions Document for Managers provides customizable instructions to complete the form. 

Process Guide for Managers - Performance Improvement Plans

The Performance Improvement Process Guide for Managers outlines a step-by-step process for the performance improvement plan process and lets managers know who's responsible for each step. 

Performance Improvement Plans are not Easy

One of the most difficult tasks of a manager is dealing with an employee whose performance is not meeting expectations. However, letting poor performance go unchecked has negative consequences that ripple right through the Company. Not only are the people who work with the individual affected, but it sends a message to other employees that we aren’t serious about maintaining consistent, high performance standards.
The resources above provide step-by-step guidance on how to address performance issues with your employees, from the initial conversation to a decision to terminate employment based on an unsuccessful Performance Improvement Plan. It also directs you to forms, scripts, and other resources available to support the process.

Tips for Implementing Performance Improvement Plans

  • To avoid any uncomfortable or potentially litigious situations, it is recommended that your managers review the Performance Improvement Plan with HR.
  • Be careful about the notes HR and managers include in this form. These notes may be requested as discovery material if an employee ever challenges your company’s decisions in court. Notes should be professional, relevant, and objective.
  • Managers should be aware that a peformance improvement plan is not appropriate if their only intention is to create a paper trail where the only end goal is to terminate the employee. A PIP is to be used when there is a genuine interest and belief that the employee’s performance will improve.
  • Performance improvement plans are not appropriate for serious incidents such as theft or gross insubordination.

Advantages of Performance Improvement Plans

  • A PIP reassures employees that they will be provided with feedback, a fair process, support, and an opportunity to improve, instead of being involuntarily terminated without warning. 
  • Empowers employees by allowing them to take ownership for their performance/behavior and demonstrate their commitment to improve and correct the problem areas.

Disadvantages of Performance Improvement Plans

  • Once an employee is put on a performance improvement plan, there is a chance that the individual does not take well to the constructive criticism and becomes toxic, or in a worst case scenario, goes on extended sick leave.
  • During the probationary period, or when an employee has to work with a new manager with higher performance standards, there may be situations when the performance issue is related to fit or personal traits that are usually very difficult to turn around. In these cases, immediate termination may be appropriate.

When and When Not to Implement a PIP

Read the full When & when not to implement a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) article. 


  • I just wanted to write to say that ConnectsUs HR™ for Consultants is truly a gift. I've been searching for this type of support with other service providers with no luck. The templates and Resource Center you have created are so helpful, and provide a comprehensive menu of topics, best practices and well-written content that would have taken months to create from scratch. In most cases, my clients don't want to wait long to see results. I am very thankful to have found your product that makes me look so good!

    Thank you again!

    A new and thankful customer

    Stacey Messner | Principle Consultant | staceymessner.com
  • “…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”

    Jorge O. Aviles | Arrow Energy Ltd.
  • "...We needed a starting point for everything from policies to manager resources and got so much more."

    Karen Buchanan | Office Manager, BCTIA (BC Technologies Industry Association)
  • "Rather than wasting countless hours reinventing the wheel, a lot of the leg work is done for you. Worth checking out. A real help if you need to get HR best practices in place in a short amount of time."

    Martina Page | Human Resources, ARC’Teryx
  • "...Never before have I seen a product that so easily and completely supports the creation of HR practices. Don't reinvent the wheel - buy one of the best wheels invented to take your small business forward..."

    Patti Sheehan | Principal, Puget Sound People Solutions | Seattle, WA
  • "Entirely straightforward!  Our Office Administrator basically took the templates and ran with them in a few days…professionally written using common language, and demonstrates significant and immediate value."

    Kent Toy | Director, Finance & Administration, Antarctica Systems