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About HR Consulting

Consulting is a big—and growing—business. The market for consulting services is estimated between $130B and $150B annually, and professional consultants are among the highest paid workers, earning more than many doctors, lawyers and other professionals.

It’s not surprising that consulting is attractive to many people who want to launch a business. After all, if you have a saleable skill, it’s an easy business to enter. No one will stop you from calling yourself a consultant. 

The beauty of this market, though, is that many of the large, lumbering consulting firms focus on thin slices of the market. That creates an opportunity for smaller firms and individual consultants who know how to use guerrilla methods to snag their share of profitable business.

What’s an HR Consultant?

Similar to an HR employee, an HR Consultant is an individual who advises a company on how best to optimize human capital; how to hire, reward, support and retain top talent in an optimal organizational structure that helps the company to achieve its goals and a obtain/retain a competitive advantage.

Pros & cons of consulting

Is Consulting Right for You?

Experience & Skills you Need

Soft Skills & Success Traits