COVID-19 Updates | Daily Workplace Round Up for May 12, 2020

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Below are the key announcements from the Federal, Ontario, Alberta, and B.C. governments that touch on workplace issues for May 12, 2020. 


New Policy Allows Temporary Workers to get Back to Work in 10 days instead of 10 weeks

Due to the pandemic, many temporary workers with employer-specific work permits lost their jobs in the last few months. Under existing rules, to change jobs they need to apply and wait for a new work permit to be issued before starting to work at their new job.

At the same time, many employers in sectors that have ongoing labour needs and who provide critical goods and services to Canadians, such as agriculture, agri-food and health care, find themselves with urgent needs for additional employees.

That is why the Government is announcing, effective immediately, a new, temporary policy that will drastically reduce the time it takes for a temporary foreign worker to start a new job.

While this policy is in place, a worker who is already in Canada and has secured a new job offer, typically backed by a labour market test, can get approval to start working in their new job, even while their work permit application is being fully processed. This will cut what can often take 10 weeks or more, down to 10 days or less.

For more information, check out this news release from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

$2.5 Billion in Additional Support to Provide Seniors with Greater Financial Security

Today Justin Trudeau announced a series of additional measures to help seniors and provide them with greater financial security in this time of crisis. These measures include:

  • Providing additional financial support of $2.5 billion for a one-time tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, with an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

  • Expanding the New Horizons for Seniors Program with an additional investment of $20 million.

  • Temporarily extending GIS and allowance payments if seniors’ 2019 income information has not been assessed.

For more information, check out this news release from the Prime Minister. 


House Passes (Bill 190) COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020

The House passed (Bill 190) COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020 this afternoon, which enacts the Alternative Filing Methods for Business Act, 2020 and makes amendments to the:

  • Business Corporations Act

  • Business Names Act

  • Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act

  • Condominium Act, 1998

  • Co-operative Corporations Act

  • Corporations Act

  • Corporations Information Act

  • Education Act

  • Extra-Provincial Corporations Act

  • Limited Partnership Act

  • Métis Nation of Ontario Secretariat Act, 2015

  • Notaries Act

  • Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, 2010

  • Succession Law Reform Act

Bill 190 will help people conduct business while practising physical distancing by, for example:

  • Enabling corporations to call and hold meetings virtually, as applicable, and extending the time period in which annual meetings must be held in specific circumstances.

  • Allowing designations of a beneficiary to be provided electronically for retirement savings plans, retirement income funds, locked-in retirement accounts, life income funds and tax-free savings accounts.

  • Allowing electronic filing of business registration documents and the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to accept copies of business registration documents and e-signatures.

  • Allowing for regulations to set out the parameters for remotely commissioning or notarizing a document.

For more information, check out this news release

Extends Declaration of Emergency until June 2

The Ontario government is extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act until June 2, 2020.

The declaration will allow Ontario to continue to enforce current emergency orders, such as restricting retirement and long-term care home employees from working in more than one facility and prohibiting events and gatherings of more than five people.

A full list of emergency orders that are extended as a result can be found on the e-Laws website, under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

For more information, check out this news release


Prioritizes Funding for Front-line Non-profits

The Community Initiatives Program (CIP) provides funding for organizations that create opportunities for Albertans to engage with and help develop their communities. CIP has 3 distinct funding streams:

Alberta is Reallocating money from the Community Initiatives Program Project-based grant to the Community Initiatives Program Operating grant to help struggling front-line charities and non-profits maintain their core operations and provide services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some quick facts about the program:

  • The program will provide $8 million in funding.
  • The limit for Community Initiatives Program Operating grant requests will be increased from $60,000 to $75,000.
  • The three-year eligibility period for the Community Initiatives Program will be waived to allow all organizations in need of operational funding to apply for this one-time intake.
  • The January 2020 Community Initiatives Program Operating intake is being reviewed for funding. Applicants for this grant will be notified in May regarding grant decisions.

For more information, check out this news release

British Columbia

Buy BC E-Commerce Funding Available for Farmers and Food & Beverage Processors

New Buy BC e-commerce funding is available to help the province’s farmers and food and beverage processors overcome some lost sales during the COVID-19 pandemic by moving their products online.

The B.C. government is providing $300,000 to support industry-led Buy BC e-commerce activities. It helps farmers, ranchers and food and beverage processors market their products as locally grown, raised, harvested or produced, making it easy for British Columbians to Buy BC.

Some quick facts about the program:

  • The funding is available under the Ministry of Agriculture’s Buy BC Partnership Program, to B.C. farmers, and food and beverage processors of all sizes. 
  • To be eligible, an applicant must have at least two years of business revenues, be licensed to do business in B.C. and be growing or processing one or more products in the province.
  • Each successful applicant is eligible to receive up to $5,000.
  • Online applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, from May 15 to May 29, or when the funding is fully subscribed.  Click here for Buy BC application details.

For more information, check out this news release

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Sarah Visca
Sarah Visca is the Operations Manager at ConnectsUs HR, a company that provides tools & resources to quickly set up a Human Resources department.  
You can contact her here