Hiring Process

Front desk training

Finding & keeping the right front desk staff is challenging. Get 6 best practices and 8 free templates created specifically for front desk training, hiring, and managing.

The way we recruit has changed because the current job market is candidate-driven. Let’s take a look at 10 ways to enhance the candidate experience by adopting a customer-centric approach to recruiting.  

Is Your Engagement Problem really a Hiring Problem?

You may be hiring for the wrong reasons. You'll save yourself from some costly hiring mistakes if you remember to engage the PERSON and not just the EMPLOYEE.

Why you must have employees sign employment contract and policies before they start work

​Most employers are unaware of the legal challenges that could occur if an employee doesn't sign their employment agreement and policies before their first day of work. 

Find out how not to be one of them. 

Sourcing Prospective Employees. A Cost Effective Recruiting Strategy for Small Business

You've just had an epic experience with a customer service representative who effortlessly brings you down from the ceiling. You have a fleeting thought that they would be a great fit for your Customer Service team.  And you hang up the phone.  

This article is about helping you take the ‘fleeting’ out of your thoughts when you come across top talent.

reference check consent form

Happy dance! After dozens of hours of recruiting & interviewing effort, you've just found the perfect one or two final candidates. Time to check references, but download your CYA template before you begin. 

skype interview with job candidates

Find out how to conduct your Skype interviews with this simple checklist that's included in a free Interviewing Guide for Managers that you can download & customize for your company.

interviews where candidates make a presentation

Find out why you absolutely need to ask your senior candidates to come prepared to make an interview presentation.  Download & customize the form for managers so they can prepare and conduct this type of interview.     

adding additional staff form

Think about the last time a new position was approved in your small business.  Was a business case created to justify the spend? Get the eye-opener tool your managers need when adding additional staff. And find out why it's like outsourcing housework. 

common interview questions

Many of us are still using those over-rehearsed common interview questions when meeting with candidates.  YAWN. Make it stop! Introduce a few curve balls into the mix. You'll fast track getting to know your candidate - and stay awake