Alberta Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
Alberta Employee Handbook Topic Help Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Alberta Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Topic 66-AB     Importance: Critical


This policy was formerly known as "Drug & Alcohol - Free Workplace" and was broadened as a result of the legalization of marijuana and the focus on impairment by any substance or state.

This policy states that your company won't tolerate impairment, illicit drugs and alcohol in the workplace, and that non-adherence to this policy is a serious offense. 


Helps promote a Workplace that’s safe and prevents awkward situations.


Staff can pose a serious health and safety risk to other Staff and Company Stakeholders, as well as create embarrassing situations.

HR Expertise

None. This policy is generic enough to be used in any office setting. 




This topic is dependent. 

  • Review the list of policies listed under: Read in Conjunction With.  Refer to the Learn More link if you make any deletions or changes to the names of those policies

Learn more about dependencies, referencing this topic in other areas of the document, changing/deleting a topic name, changing or deleting a Formal Term 

Key Decisions

Does your company want to include a zero tolerance alcohol policy?  Refer to Tips.2 and 3.

Key Approvals

If this topic won't be reviewed by legal counsel, it should be approved by Finance or the position in your company that is responsible for legal matters, such as contracts.

Additional Resources

Additional Tips

  • Remember that the policies outlined in Staff Policies are policies that protect your business and outline Staff's obligations that they will have to adhere to after signing the Staff Policies Agreement. This policy discusses the prohibitions for staff so they understand what's not acceptable. 
  • As with any policy, this policy has to be applied consistently. If your company has a drinking culture where it's acceptable to drink at lunch and return to the office, or it's known by management that employees keep bottles of tequila in their desks, it will be very difficult to enforce this policy when needed.  
  • Your senior managers must lead by example.
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